Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 16 to Day 32

I've obviously fallen way behind posting wise.  I blame this on a trip to Albany (for you fitness enthusiasts, Travelodges generally do not feature workout exercise centers), family sickness, and general laziness.  Here's my best attempt at recovery:

Day 16 (October 26, 2011):
Albany, NY for a visit to RPI.  I was not prepared for the coldness that is upstate New York during a Northeaster.  No treadmills inside, and I was not about to be outside any longer than necessary.

Day 17 (October 27, 2011):
At RPI for Family Weekend.  It was very cold, but we had good company...
I'm a pushover when it comes to mascots.  The RPI puck is definitely the funniest one I've seen...especially when his cellphone rang....

Day 18 (October 29, 2011):
Snowing in Albany, NY

Day 19 (October 30, 2011):
Albany, NY

Day 20 (October 31, 2011):
Albany, NY

Day 21 (November 1, 2011):
Family sickness.

Day 22 (November 2, 2011):
1.00 miles at which point I become sick.

Day 23 (November 3, 2011):

Finally back out!  Nice run by UBC, a little faster than I really meant to:
3.6 miles at 8:39.

Day 24 (November 4, 2011):
Ran home from work.  3.5 miles at 9:55.  The backpack kills.

Day 25 (November 5, 2011):
Started to run what has become one of my favorite runs around the Pig and Whistle (which has become our favorite barbecue restaurant).  Unfortunately, Zeke was not having it.  Molly had to rescue us 2/3 of the way through:
3.76 at 10:19

Day 26 (November 6, 2011):
Started biking to work.  This doesn't get me a lot of miles, but unfortunately my beloved station wagon died.  This means I either:
1)  Leave Molly stranded at home while I go to work.
2)  Make Molly wake up Zeke when I need to get to work and get picked up.
3)  Find another way.

Day 27 (November 7, 2011):
I don't remember what happened 5 days ago.

Day 28 (November 8, 2011):
Rode the bike into work, and left it there.  Ran home from work.  3.5 miles at 9:52.

Day 29 (November 9, 2011):
Ran into work.  The most painful part of this is the backpack.  Backpack definitely caused some wardrobe malfunctions--I was bringing back the belly-shirt!
3.5 at 9:59

Day 30 (November 10, 2011):
Rest.  Went to Memphis, got new plates for the Toyota, and cleaned out the station wagon.  Our new van plates read "4 KATE," to match the wagon...but now they're in memory of the station wagon, grandmother, and grandpa.

Day 31 (November 11, 2011):
Zeke was the worst runner ever today.  He managed to scream the entire time, which cut the run short:
2.1 at 8:57

Day 32 (November 12, 2011):
While playing with different routes on, Molly discovered that Navy Road turns into Armour Road, which is a key piece of the Pig and Whistle run, so Zeke and I decided to try it out.  Gorgeous run through cotton fields.  Next time I will add a segment through Edmund Orgill Park.
8.04 miles at 11:17



Day 27 is my favorite! That's basically how I feel all the time;) keep up the good work.

Molly said...

I'm very disappointed to have missed the belly-shirt episode. Maybe next time!

DaFish said...

Hooray! Posts!

I thought you fell off the wagon!